Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dear Schools..

(This does not apply to all schools/high schools but it does apply to many I know. I am angry so expect some foul language. I think it is appropriate.)

Dear Schools,
You are constantly wondering why students don’t come to you when they were suicidal or upset, or with a mental health issue. I will tell you why. They are scared. They have a right to be with what you do to them when they actually do trust you. You know what you do when a student says they are suicidal? You kick them out of your precious school. Why? I ask myself the same too. Because you don’t want to be that school. You know what I mean. That school with the student who jumped off a bridge and everyone says “why didn’t they do something." . You rather have them feel alone then “poison" your reputation. Another thing. Maybe if you got your head out of your asses and worried less about your goddamn attendance record and more about the mental welfare of your students things would change. Instead of treating them like a delinquent or even worse just a kid. The truth is no matter how much you want to lie to yourself and say that we couldn’t do anything maybe think fucking twice. This IS a problem and a big one. They way that I personally was treated when I told my school I had a mental problem, an illness, something that was eating me up inside was heartbreaking and I don’t want ANYONE to feel like I did. I was told it was just a phase treated as if I did this to myself, I choose to have panic attacks every morning and wake up wishing I wasn’t alive. I was threatened and sent many court notices. I even had a doctors note and that wasn’t enough for your sorry asses.  Stop dismissing the problem as “well they are just being a teenager". It fucking does nothing but make them feel worse. If this doesn’t apply to your school then I am so glad you are the few of the schools of have gotten their shit together and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Luckily I got out of my high school and onto an online school for the time being. To my highschool I would just like to say one last fuck you. (Minus the few of people who did understand you are the best and I’m sorry you have to work there.)

If you are reading this and this applies to your school feel free to talk to me. Or if you have any sort of issue or something you need advice on I am here to help as much as I can. Know that schools cater to the majority of people. There is nothing wrong with being outside of that majority of people no matter how your school makes you feel about it. You are a creative individual who is going through a tough time that will make you so much stronger though it may feel like a disability. You know you best and don’t let anyone tell you different. 

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