Friday, July 12, 2013

On Retro Sexism,Excuses, and Bullshit

     Retro Sexism (n.): Modern attitudes and behaviors that mimic or glorify sexist aspects of the past, often in an ironic way.
     Today while watching tv with my brother (who is the same age as me,16) there was someone acting stupid on the show we were watching. He blurted out "wow what a retard.". When I yelled at him for the ignorance of that comment he proceeded to say "I was just kidding, I didn't mean it that way shut up." 
     This may seem unrelated to sexism and such but it isn't. This is very similar to how companies use something called retro sexism (definition above). Basically you know that they are kidding so it's okay. This is not the case at all. Just because something offensive is said with a laugh or in a humorous ways that doesn't take away the offensiveness of the comment  or action. It is extremely immature and ignorant. 
     Along with this excuse there is the common excuse of "boys will be boys" and the like. That is not an excuse for completely ignorant and idiotic behavior. It is extremely offensive to other men who do not act that way to assume that behavior is just part of their DNA.
     I am honestly sick of this bullshit. Of the excuses that society provides for just unnecessary behavior. Be responsible for what you have done, admit to your mistakes, and ask for help to learn better. The true measure of character for a person is how they react when they make a mistake. It's inevitable as humans we will always make mistakes. But those who make the same mistakes over and over again in my opinion are fools and will be stuck in the same ignorant cycle for a very long time. 
    I am bit sassy today, but as courtney love once said "I'm not going to apologize for offending you. Actually, I think you should thank me."  Have a great night! 

1 comment:

  1. i like that you ended with courtney love hehe. the excuse 'boys will be boys is so stupid'. especially because you start being told that from when you're in school and you're like 4, boys grow up thinking it's okay to push a girl about, even if it is just 'playful' so little girls accept that nonsense. if only teachers knew the messages they were drilling into these little kids' subconscious.
